Improving Business Processes With D-MAPP

A New, Innovative Approach

D-Mapp enables organizations to address and correct operational underperformance, as well as aid in the implementation of standard operation procedures. It is a consolidation of the most powerful improvement tools providing you with the data, insight, communication, alignment and engagement to become efficient and effective. You will set the stage for growth and quality of operations.
Comprehensive, easy to use, and providing immediate results ,our business process improvement is the only program you will need to accomplish your goals.
D-MAPP comes in 3 versions:
  1. Starter – mapping only
  2. Intermediate – mapping and projects
  3. Enterprise – mapping, projects, and scorecard

What Is Underperformance Costing You?

Operational improvement is needed to correct operational underperformance which refers to a scenario where a company or organization falls short of its anticipated performance standards in its day-to-day activities. This shortfall can manifest across various facets of operations, from financial to quality of products and services.

Know if your target company is underperforming. The DMapp is instrumental in the due diligence process and it will provide you insights on strengths and weaknesses of the target company. 

Here are some of the ways underperformance is costing you:
  • Inefficient workflows
  • Unclear goals & expectations
  • Missed deadlines
  • Lack of engagement
  • Undocumented work processes
  • Cost overruns
  • Capacity issues
  • Quality Issues
  • Poor communications
  • No standard improvement programs

How the D-MAPP Program Works


Map & Measure

Create a Base Map of your operations. Document and understand your current operations using an enhanced Dorsey Multi-Function Process Map®. This map is generated with your employees so that it depicts your operations how they really are, not just what you think they might be. It is a descriptive, visual analytic that functions as the center of the program.


Analyze & Prioritize

Identify Improvement Opportunities. Data and analytics from the Base Map enable you to assess and identify performance improvement opportunities that will get you the most value.



Manage and Monitor Projects and Update Base Map. Create, monitor, and manage projects from identified improvement opportunities.  Summarize, organize, and report on project status. Base Map is automatically updated for real-time viewing.


Performance Improvement Tools

Scorecard & Tools. Embedded Scorecard allows you to automatically populate a scorecard.  You will select the metrics you want to track, then trend performance on the scorecard.  The scorecard uses green/yellow/red alerts so you can easily see where you are doing well and where you might need more focus.  Other tools are available using our Performance Toolkit.

D-MAPP Applications

D-MAPP is a business process improvement software that aims to streamline your processes and enhance efficiency, productivity, and quality. Here are some of its advantages:

Proven | Versatile | Powerful
Improve performance and operating efficiencies
Restructure existing or developing new processes
Train and onboard employees
Standardize best-practice templates
Document audit and accounting practices
Due diligence (M&A, private equity investors)
ERP/software implementations
Alignment and Engagement
Process Documentation

New York Commercial Roofing: A Case Study

How a New York Commercial Roofing Company Increased Sales by 90% in 2 years by Setting a Solid Foundation for Growth and Scalability

California Biotech: A Case Study

How a California Biotech company ramped production capacity by 110% using existing resources

What is process documentation or standard operating procedures (SOPs) and do companies need it?

Process documentation or SOPs are detailed guidelines outlining the steps to carry out specific tasks or activities within a company. They provide a standardized approach to performing routine operations, ensuring consistency, efficiency, and quality.

Companies need process documentation to streamline operations, enhance productivity, facilitate the training of new employees, maintain compliance with regulations, and improve overall organizational effectiveness.

What is due diligence in companies?

Due diligence in companies refers to the comprehensive investigation and analysis conducted before entering into a business transaction, such as mergers and acquisitions, investments, partnerships, or contracts. It involves assessing various aspects of the target company, including its financial health, operations, legal status, market position, and potential risks.
Due diligence aims to gather relevant information, identify possible issues or liabilities, evaluate the transaction’s viability, and make informed decisions to mitigate risks and maximize value.

Define of Operational Improvement

Operational improvement refers to the process of enhancing the efficiency, effectiveness, and overall performance of a company’s day-to-day operations. It involves identifying areas for improvement, implementing strategic changes, and optimizing processes, systems, and resources to achieve better results.

Operational improvement initiatives aim to streamline workflows, reduce costs, increase productivity, enhance quality, and ultimately, drive sustainable growth and competitiveness.

What is Business Process Improvement (BPI)?

Business Process Improvement (BPI) is a systematic approach to analyzing, redesigning, and optimizing business processes to achieve desired outcomes and improve organizational performance. BPI initiatives focus on identifying inefficiencies, eliminating bottlenecks, and enhancing process effectiveness and efficiency.

This may involve reengineering workflows, adopting best practices, leveraging technology solutions, and empowering employees to drive continuous improvement. BPI aims to align business processes with strategic objectives, enhance customer satisfaction, and generate organizational value.


“The D-MAPP Program helped us transform a chaotic work flow into an organized structure that is built on trust and accountability. We are able to clearly define our processes and responsibilities to make sure we are working efficiently and using the right data to make decisions. Not only is information being shared faster than ever, we are seeing increased margins across our projects.”

Scott Wolkowitz, President
Wolkow Braker Roofing Corp

“Our organization suffered growing pains resulting from processes that no longer served our size. We needed to better understand our processes and the D-Mapp made that simple. It is very easy to capture process and task data, organize it anytime you want, reveal and prioritize frustrations, and track metrics. The reporting features provide useful statistics around the process-heavy parts of our organization and where the frustrations exist.”

Larry Lacefield, President
Telgian Fire Safety

“The D-MAPP Program has helped provide clarity with our processes, enabled the establishment of metrics to measure performance, standardized terminology to help build common understanding, helped identify opportunities for improvement, and demonstrated to personnel the availability of a systematic approach necessary to make meaningful and purposeful improvements.”

Steve Speer, Director of Quality
Mesa Biotech

“The D-Mapp helps visualize gaps. Our company was the wild west when it came to performance reporting. Every team did their best to produce metrics, and they were rarely in agreement. Using the D-Mapp to lay out processes across teams made it very easy to talk about standardizing metrics. This lead to clear reporting which helped the entire company align to our goals.”

Aaron Bradbury, Operations Excellence Manager
Telgian Fire Safety

“The D-MAPP methodology helped our organization take inventory of our existing customer onboarding experience, solicit and organize feedback from multiple stakeholders, and ultimately design an improved process that we can easily evolve over time.”

Dan Holahan, Director of Member Experience
Embarc Collective

D-MAPP: 3 Versions Available

Starter · Intermediate · Enterprise

Use it for planning, documenting, training or performance improvement – we have a version to fit your needs.

Contact us to determine which version is best for you.

Watch Our Video

No organization has room for waste.

The D-MAPP Program will help you operate as leanly as possible, eliminate waste, and make decisions based on data and hard evidence. It’s the best thing you can do for your business.

Do you need to transform your workflow into a lean, agile operation?

We can help you address and correct underperformance issues that are holding your organization back from its true potential.


Book your complimentary consultation with Tim Dorsey and Dr. Carla Dorsey, leading experts in performance improvement for more than 25 years.

After our confidential, 30-minute consultation, you will…


  1. Better understand your business’s current climate and sources of frustration.
  2. Explore offerings that can reduce costs, streamline operations and boost revenue.
  3. Learn how to create alignment, employee engagement and quality of operations using our proprietary SaaS

Enter your information below, and we will follow up to schedule a day and time to connect.